Unattended open burning next to vehicles

This fire burned and smoldered unattended for at least three hours next to parked vehicles at the Catholic War Vets today. I thought the borough had an ordinance forbidding open burning.

16 thoughts on “Unattended open burning next to vehicles”

  1. “WHEREAS no person or persons that burn or attempt to burn any garbage orrefuse or any other material other than material approved by the Columbia BoroughFire Chief or his designee.”Wonder whether the folks doing the burning followed the stipulations in ORDINANCE NO 854-2014? Maybe this is another exception to the codes and ordinances that everyone's supposed to follow?


  2. “WHEREAS no person or persons that burn or attempt to burn any garbage orrefuse or any other material other than material approved by the Columbia BoroughFire Chief or his designee.”Wonder whether the folks doing the burning followed the stipulations in ORDINANCE NO 854-2014? Maybe this is another exception to the codes and ordinances that everyone's supposed to follow?


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